Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tell me any program in c++ using malloc functions?

What is the best way to learn computer languages

Tell me any program in c++ using malloc functions?
The best way to learn computer languages is to write a lot of code. Of course you'll also want to read a book or two, but to become an expert you have to primarily exercise.

Note that mixing malloc and new is poor practice. The link discusses this as well as has sample code for malloc:

Finally, my personal choice for learning programming these days would be Python (
Reply:First of all, we don't need malloc in c++ as we have new and delete there.

but if you still want to use it then there are many tutorials on net. you can find them on sites like which are technical forum sites.

And all you need is practice and more practice.
Reply:put some logic on the paper and start executing that logic using language. You will fine bunch of online help for programming. Just google it. and here is the link where you will find program in c++ which uses malloc function.

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