Sunday, August 2, 2009

Create a program in C# using a switch to determine a gender M for Male F for Female?

I want if they enter that they are female and click the male doorbutton a message box will pop up and say wrong door and visa versa

Create a program in C# using a switch to determine a gender M for Male F for Female?




char gender, f, m;

printf("If you are Female, type in the letter F.\nIf you are Male, type in the letter M");

scanf("%c", %26amp;gender);



case f:

case F: printf("Female"); break;

case m:

case M: printf("Male"); break;

default: printf("There's only male and female on this planet");





Hope this helps...'cause i'm not sure if this is really what you want...i don't really get your question actually

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